Encarta Dictionary : An inflammation of one or both lungs, usually caused by infection from a bacterium or virus or, less commonly, bya chemical or physical irritant.
March has been an eventfull month to say the least. we actually were in the Valley Hospital ER thursday morning because Aaliyah was wheezing, shaking, and coughing. They did an ex ray, and gave her a breathing treatment.

On friday she didn't change much at all, her fever was still 102.8, and she was didn't eat or drink anything for like three days. Urgent care thursday night, where they did some blood work, and gave her a shot of antibiotic, but then she woke up friday morning wheezing, and coughing again so i took her to Sacred Heart. Aaliyah was admitted to Sacred Heart hospital Friday morning after

running a 102.8-103.8 fever and that was with tylenol and advil every 3 hours. I don't know about you, but i hate hospitals. Actually I really hate the ER, for some reason i think that everyone who works there is so hardened by what they see, they loose all compassion and just start poking, and prodding. Babies need extra tender care( Mommies too for that matter), my poor baby had a IV put into her little hand, and X-Ray's taken, and a cathiter, blood drawn, needless to say She was not happy. Actually i have never hear her scream like that before. I was in tears twice that morning while we were in the ER. She had her own room, with orders that visitors were to check in at the front desk, and the staff were supposed to wear masks, and gloves because they didn't know if she was contagious, and they didn't want her to pick anything up from anyone else. She wasn't allowed to play in the play room so she had toys in her hospital crib.
Hospital cribs are scary- Huge (probably five feet tall) with metal bars that slide up and down for easier access. Wouldn't want to make a scared baby feel comforted by decorating the room, or making the bed less like a jail.

This entire experiance was scary for me, i felt so helpless and with Aaliyah being sick she never wanted me to leave her sight.
Her Albuterial treatment was kinda cute though it was a plastic tube with oxygen being pushed through, kinda like a humidifer, and she would push her little nose against the tube. breathing the medicine in..
Well March is Almost over, and lets hope the Weavers have no more hospital visits, no more injuries, and no more cysts bursting. Only happy things- Actually jesse is the only one left who hasn't ever been in the hosptial, he says that he is invincible.