Saturday, August 19, 2006

My Pa would be so Proud!

So in the spirit of my favorite dad, I took my family to Spokane's farmers market today. Although it was pretty hot out, we had a pretty good time. One of our favorite things to do when we go visit my family in Yakima is going to their market. They close a couple of blocks downtown and kick it old school. They have all kinds of fruits and veggies, kettle corn, and all kinds of good food (my favorite is the chicken shish kabobs, mmmmm!!) Unfortunately for us, the Yakima market is probably six or seven times bigger than ours.

We have a decent selection of fruits and vegetables depending on the weekend and a couple of bread makers. We ended up with a nice selection of peaches, nectarines, huckleberries and a few other odds and ends. The fruit we've eaten so far have been pretty good. Our good friends the Carillos showed up while we were there too. It's always good to see them, and the kids love it. Ok speaking of the kids, let's finish this little post up with a few pics of the munchkins.

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