newest addition debut
Well I had my first ultrasound July 28 2006, and I am thrilled that i am 14 weeks along, 2 whole weeks ahead of what I thought. Yessss ! Closer to the finish.
Actually , this pregnancy has been really differant for me, I am still exhausted, emotional, and generally hard to live with, however i am not throwing up 4-5 times a day (weird), I am craving Thai foods, and sour candies, weirdest of all I had a few scares with my heart lately. Actually i was convinced that i was dieing, because i was rushed in to see 3 differant specialists including a heart surgeon to figure out what was going on. Words like occasional PVC's, and heart arythmia were thrown around, and then finally
they concluded that whatever(or whoever) is causing this is not life threatening.
For those of you who can't tell the babies head is down in the right corner, the white is the babies developing bones and organs, you can see the babies tummy, and the mouth and nose. the black spot in the picture on the top is the babies heart. I hope you are as thrilled to meet our newest addition as we are.

1 comment:
I didn't know you guys were pregnant again!!! CONGRATULATIONS! That is so great. The question is whether or not it is going to be a another girl or a boy, who will bring balance to the force.
greetings from Ohio. We're coming home.
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