Saturday, April 28, 2007

Just couldn't get enough!


Sierra and Aaliyah are so excited about our new house. Sierra thinks we are getting a dog right away, even though I tell her like every day that we are going to wait a while before we get a dog. She named this mystery dog-- Valdez Alaska weaver, and we will call it Dezzy... I told her we still need to run all names by daddy. Anyhow, the girls got to walk through our house today and they (especially sierra) just could not get enough of the place. You could almost see her little brain whirling with thoughts, and ideas. Where things will go and who's spot will be who's. It feel so good that we will finally be able to provide a home for our children. I pray that everything will fall into place, and that things that need to be taken care of will get taken care of.

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