A Year In a Moment !
Hello Everyone, and Merry Christmas !
We have had such a busy year, and alot has happened. Let me catch you up on it. !
Our Year really begins early December when Jesse was hired as a programmer for a company called C.I. Automation. This Job is perfect for Jesse because he has lots of room to grow and learn new things, it challenges him, and he loves that. He is great at what he does! Currently he has been promoted to Management and has reached his Year mark at his job. God has really taken care of him and us! Jesse loving his job is very important to him and to us (Melinie, and the Girls).

In Feburary Jesse's Best Friend Ben got Married! Of course we are so excited for Ben and his new wife Amanda, but those warm wishes are bitter sweet. We Miss them! Ben especially since he lived in Spokane, and was such a Huge part of our lives. Especially if it included dinner or snacks! We Wish them well !

Okay since this post is getting way to long, i am going to jump ahead to summer. The Girls loved to swim. In fact Aaliyah wanted to be just like her sister and would push off mommy trying to swim all on her own.

Sierra had a Princess 3 yr old birthday party and had all her friends there. The Party was at Gr andma C's. park, and Sierra literally talked about for weeks afterwards. Way to go !
We are So blessed to Have such Wonderful Friends, to have a fabulous church, wonderful family and great girls. We love you guys, thanks for making this year so much fun! Don't worry! I will soon be posting some pictures that were taken during my photography class.
There is so much more to share about our year but that will have to come at a differant time. Good Bye for now!
I love Kiss pictures!

Our Year really begins early December when Jesse was hired as a programmer for a company called C.I. Automation. This Job is perfect for Jesse because he has lots of room to grow and learn new things, it challenges him, and he loves that. He is great at what he does! Currently he has been promoted to Management and has reached his Year mark at his job. God has really taken care of him and us! Jesse loving his job is very important to him and to us (Melinie, and the Girls).

In January My brother Sheaden got married to a lovely woman named Kim. So we flew to California on seperate flights, and the trip there was a little eventful both of our flights had delays, and with Aaliyah being 4 months old being in a airplane was a little awkward to say the least. Jesse and Sierra also were delayed 2 hours at the airport! Flying scares me especially when my whole family is jeopardy. That was a price we were willing to pay in order to be at my
Brothers wedding. Sierra was the flower girl after all ! My Mom Looked fabulous as usual! The remainder of that trip went well, and Jesse and i were able to get to Hollywood and have a little fun. Even though we waited in line to see Jay Leno, and were turned away, the first people in the line not let in. We were offered tickets the following day but were unable to make those

In Feburary Jesse's Best Friend Ben got Married! Of course we are so excited for Ben and his new wife Amanda, but those warm wishes are bitter sweet. We Miss them! Ben especially since he lived in Spokane, and was such a Huge part of our lives. Especially if it included dinner or snacks! We Wish them well !

Aaliyah Has changed and grown through out this year! The First year of a baby I think is the best ! This is the year that she changes, and grows developing her own personality. Aaliyah is the sweetest, Sunshine baby! Her winning smile would melt your heart.
She is kind and easy going much like her daddy! She loves to snuggle on her mommy and daddy. She says Da, Da ( Dog), ouch, mom and dad, all done. She waves and says "Hi" to every grandma or grandpa looking person.
She is kind and easy going much like her daddy! She loves to snuggle on her mommy and daddy. She says Da, Da ( Dog), ouch, mom and dad, all done. She waves and says "Hi" to every grandma or grandpa looking person.
Okay since this post is getting way to long, i am going to jump ahead to summer. The Girls loved to swim. In fact Aaliyah wanted to be just like her sister and would push off mommy trying to swim all on her own.
Our Married life team planned an Amazing Race Northwest through our church and had over 25 teams play against each other. Everyone had an amazing time. 

Sierra had a Princess 3 yr old birthday party and had all her friends there. The Party was at Gr andma C's. park, and Sierra literally talked about for weeks afterwards. Way to go !

We are So blessed to Have such Wonderful Friends, to have a fabulous church, wonderful family and great girls. We love you guys, thanks for making this year so much fun! Don't worry! I will soon be posting some pictures that were taken during my photography class.
There is so much more to share about our year but that will have to come at a differant time. Good Bye for now!
I love Kiss pictures!

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