Sharing the Fun
Well, we are still working on getting the pictures that Melinie printed digitized, so in the meantime the appetites of the masses must be sated by my inferior efforts. The fine people here at Good Question Inc. (a subsidiary of The Weaver Clan) now have the technology to provide some pre-picture pictures. This is due in part with thanks to the microscopic exilim camera acquired through some back room poker dealings with half of the members

of Team Langhans. With this modern technology, I can provide the following images. (but not the previous (Also, thanks to Al Gore for inventing the internet. We couldn't have done this without your enormous efforts!) So, without to much further ado, (ok, maybe just a little) here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving 2005.
But first an explanation. Tricked you didn't I?
This year we were festivating in Lincoln City Oregon. The older and more responsible Weaver's and immediates had acquired the services of an almost beach dwelling abode for rent. We had a great time, and even with the 10:00 pm to 7:30 am drive there and the 14 hour drive home, it was a fun and mostly relaxing time with the family. Ok, now to the "ado" portion of our show, enjoy.
Here is our first little sweetie Sierra. This is the first night that we were in town, and we actually got to drive our car down on the beach. Daddy liked that part.

Now, reluctantly I admit, yours truly, and the true star of the show Buku (pronounced: bOOkOO) Our sweet little number two, aka Aaliyah.
P.S. Yes I know that festivating along with several other conglomeration of letters used above are not actual "words" as Mr. Webster would define them. I'm ok with that.
P.S.S. Yes I know that I might use (these little thingys) way to much. Again I'm ok with that.
P.S.S.S. I am pretty sure that <---- doesn't exist, but it segues quite nicely into my next point. In addition to the strange combinations of letters on this blog, please disregard any and all commonly known grammar rules. I'll admit that I do know quite a few of them, but I take great delight in their utter extirpation, and I do hope that you can join in with me.
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