Sunday, March 12, 2006

Eventfull Moments

In an attempt to keep up with our blogs I'll tell you about our exciting moment last week. I(Melinie) Have in the last 4 months been diagnosed with having polycystic ovaries, which my doctor explained to me means that since i nursed Aaliyah so long (11 months) my body is working over time to make up for the lost time and yet is falling short, therefore not totally releasing the eggs. This lack causes cystics- which are terribly pain if they burst. Lucky for me that one burst on monday last week, I woke up that morning, seemingly fine, and after a few minutes i was curled in a fetal position literally unable to move. The lack of movement dosen't work very well with a 3 1/2 year old and 18 month girls. In a state of desperation i called my mom, and she rushed over to help. I am very grateful. What was weird, i was taking hydrocodone as pain medicine, and I was in so much pain i crawled to get anywhere, and almost passed out twice. We ended up going to the hospital that night to make sure that nothing else was wrong, and we were there for 7 1/2 hours. You would think that going into an ER at 5:45 in the evening you would hope to beable to get out of there in a timely matter. Such was not the case. I am doing pretty good now, but am a little frighten that any of my other cystics will burst. Oh yeah i forgot, i lost my medical insurance not 5 days before the cystic burst, so we now have to figure out how to pay for that ER visit. hopefully we qualify for Financial Aid

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.