Sunday, March 05, 2006


Our Friends Alex and Alicia came to Stoneridge with us this year. We had such a great time, and our kids get along so well. Joshua and Sierra are pretty much inseparable, and they love each other. Aaliyah and Isaiah follow the older kids around. We had a good time with our friends, and also Grandpa and Grandma Weaver
We missed our regulars, but it was nice to have some new faces. Stoneridge is a timeshare resort in North Idaho that prides itself on its golfing....we were there in the middle of September, so go figure!

On Friday, Sierra while playing with her friends at church, fell and hit her head splitting it open as you can see. She had a huge bruise, and actually got two black eyes, and had to get the cut "Glued".
When we were done at the hospital, she tearfully says " I need to tell my Grandpa,Grandma that they got glue on me". She was pretty thrilled. She had a headache for a couple of days. Lets just say this injury totally freaked me out. Sierra didn't let that keep her from swimming and having all sorts of fun of course.

Jesse's family has quite the tradition going to Stoneridge. They have been going there since Jesse was a little kid. Our good friends the Langhans have always come for at least the weekend. Grandpa Weaver always likes to invite other friends to come along too, so this year we decided to do the same with the Carillos. A good time was had by all, and we are allready looking forward to next year.

1 comment:

Benjamin Langhans said...

ahhh... stoneridge. So many great memories. We wish we could have been there.