Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sweet little baby!

Hi Everyone,
That is assuming anyone reads this blog. Anyhow, we had our second ultrasound last thursday the 21st, and the baby is beautiful. The heart looks great with all four ventricles, and the arms, legs, hands and feet are developing well. Honestly, I cannot tell you how thrilled I was to see my baby again, as a natural born worrier I am always concerned about how the baby is doing, and if its on track. The only thing that concerned me but really didn't concern my doctor is that the baby is fully breached, which is weird for me because neither girls were in that position for any length of time. This little cutie has a pointy nose, like his (oops or her) daddy. Perhaps because of all the differances it really is a boy, but I try not to think about it.

We Also decided to wait and be surprise, as to what the sex of this baby is. So for several long minutes we waited with eyes closed so that the tech. could check the bladder, and kiddneys, legs, and the sex. We had her write the sex down and sealed it in an envelope that Jesse has hiddened just as a precautionary measure. (You know emotional melt downs and what not) I feel pretty good about waiting most days, God really does know best, and wouldn't give us what isn't perfect for our little family. Who am I to say I know better (I.E. wanting a boy over a girl)
I am going to be thrilled either way, and just excited to be holding my new baby!

1 comment:

The Miller Lights said...

Of course we all read this blog! =) Congrats again you guys - we'll be on pins and needles with ya regarding the whole boy/girl/cat thing... oh, wait - you're not having a cat. Darn it. That's all right - this baby will still be a blessing!! =)
Love ya!