A very Merry CHRISTmas to you!!!
Hello one and all. Here were are from our own little opposite "Edge of the World" Gig Harbor. Back to visit the Tripp gang again. So far it has been a wonderful series of miny celebrations with things starting off at my favorite mother in-laws house on Friday night. We managed to get all of our shopping out of the way fairly early, so we weren't bombarded with last minute shopping. Thank goodness because I drove by the mall and it looked insane! So, anyway, after a few errands and packing up the car, over to Pam's house we went. We had a great dinner and some fun with the whole family. Our very own EM3 Crabtree (Luke) was back in town for the season, and it was great to be able to see him a few times and spend a little time with him. We also had the family newlyweds Sheaden and Kim (Crabtree) up from sunny So-Cal. So with the Spokanites (our family and Pam) that made for a full house, but a fun one at that!
So after wrapping things up there, we were off into the night finally getting out of town and heading to Gig Harbor at about 9:00 I think. For the most part without incedent we arrived and crashed into our blow-up bed at about 2:00am. What a long day! So, we have spent the last two days here with the Tripp family, and some of the extended family featured in our previous post from this side of the mountains. It has been quite a good time. A couple of the younger guys here have taken an interest into my latest obsession, a game called Pirates. So we have been playing a lot of games, drinking good drinks, and eating great food.
Tomorrow morning we will be heading out once again, but this time headed to Yakima where my parents and most of my extended family live. This has been my first Christmas spent away from my family, and that has been a bummer. However, it has been fun and interesting in sharing the festivities and traditions of two other families. And hey, this way we just get one extra Christmas celebration on the way home right? ;^P Well sorry about the text heavy picture light post, but we will get some pics posted when we get back home. for now though have a Merry CHRISTmas!!! Good night.
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