Sunday, December 25, 2005

A very Merry CHRISTmas to you!!!

Hello one and all. Here were are from our own little opposite "Edge of the World" Gig Harbor. Back to visit the Tripp gang again. So far it has been a wonderful series of miny celebrations with things starting off at my favorite mother in-laws house on Friday night. We managed to get all of our shopping out of the way fairly early, so we weren't bombarded with last minute shopping. Thank goodness because I drove by the mall and it looked insane! So, anyway, after a few errands and packing up the car, over to Pam's house we went. We had a great dinner and some fun with the whole family. Our very own EM3 Crabtree (Luke) was back in town for the season, and it was great to be able to see him a few times and spend a little time with him. We also had the family newlyweds Sheaden and Kim (Crabtree) up from sunny So-Cal. So with the Spokanites (our family and Pam) that made for a full house, but a fun one at that!
So after wrapping things up there, we were off into the night finally getting out of town and heading to Gig Harbor at about 9:00 I think. For the most part without incedent we arrived and crashed into our blow-up bed at about 2:00am. What a long day! So, we have spent the last two days here with the Tripp family, and some of the extended family featured in our previous post from this side of the mountains. It has been quite a good time. A couple of the younger guys here have taken an interest into my latest obsession, a game called Pirates. So we have been playing a lot of games, drinking good drinks, and eating great food.
Tomorrow morning we will be heading out once again, but this time headed to Yakima where my parents and most of my extended family live. This has been my first Christmas spent away from my family, and that has been a bummer. However, it has been fun and interesting in sharing the festivities and traditions of two other families. And hey, this way we just get one extra Christmas celebration on the way home right? ;^P Well sorry about the text heavy picture light post, but we will get some pics posted when we get back home. for now though have a Merry CHRISTmas!!! Good night.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A Year In a Moment !

Hello Everyone, and Merry Christmas !

We have had such a busy year, and alot has happened. Let me catch you up on it. !

Our Year really begins early December when Jesse was hired as a programmer for a company called C.I. Automation. This Job is perfect for Jesse because he has lots of room to grow and learn new things, it challenges him, and he loves that. He is great at what he does! Currently he has been promoted to Management and has reached his Year mark at his job. God has really taken care of him and us! Jesse loving his job is very important to him and to us (Melinie, and the Girls).
In January My brother Sheaden got married to a lovely woman named Kim. So we flew to California on seperate flights, and the trip there was a little eventful both of our flights had delays, and with Aaliyah being 4 months old being in a airplane was a little awkward to say the least. Jesse and Sierra also were delayed 2 hours at the airport! Flying scares me especially when my whole family is jeopardy. That was a price we were willing to pay in order to be at my Brothers wedding. Sierra was the flower girl after all ! My Mom Looked fabulous as usual! The remainder of that trip went well, and Jesse and i were able to get to Hollywood and have a little fun. Even though we waited in line to see Jay Leno, and were turned away, the first people in the line not let in. We were offered tickets the following day but were unable to make those.

In Feburary Jesse's Best Friend Ben got Married! Of course we are so excited for Ben and his new wife Amanda, but those warm wishes are bitter sweet. We Miss them! Ben especially since he lived in Spokane, and was such a Huge part of our lives. Especially if it included dinner or snacks! We Wish them well !

Aaliyah Has changed and grown through out this year! The First year of a baby I think is the best ! This is the year that she changes, and grows developing her own personality. Aaliyah is the sweetest, Sunshine baby! Her winning smile would melt your heart.
She is kind and easy going much like her daddy! She loves to snuggle on her mommy and daddy. She says Da, Da ( Dog), ouch, mom and dad, all done. She waves and says "Hi" to every grandma or grandpa looking person.

Okay since this post is getting way to long, i am going to jump ahead to summer. The Girls loved to swim. In fact Aaliyah wanted to be just like her sister and would push off mommy trying to swim all on her own.

Our Married life team planned an Amazing Race Northwest through our church and had over 25 teams play against each other. Everyone had an amazing time.

Sierra had a Princess 3 yr old birthday party and had all her friends there. The Party was at Gr andma C's. park, and Sierra literally talked about for weeks afterwards. Way to go !

We are So blessed to Have such Wonderful Friends, to have a fabulous church, wonderful family and great girls. We love you guys, thanks for making this year so much fun! Don't worry! I will soon be posting some pictures that were taken during my photography class.

There is so much more to share about our year but that will have to come at a differant time. Good Bye for now!

I love Kiss pictures!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sharing the Fun

Well, we are still working on getting the pictures that Melinie printed digitized, so in the meantime the appetites of the masses must be sated by my inferior efforts. The fine people here at Good Question Inc. (a subsidiary of The Weaver Clan) now have the technology to provide some pre-picture pictures. This is due in part with thanks to the microscopic exilim camera acquired through some back room poker dealings with half of the members

of Team Langhans. With this modern technology, I can provide the following images. (but not the previous (Also, thanks to Al Gore for inventing the internet. We couldn't have done this without your enormous efforts!) So, without to much further ado, (ok, maybe just a little) here are some pictures of our Thanksgiving 2005.

But first an explanation. Tricked you didn't I?

This year we were festivating in Lincoln City Oregon. The older and more responsible Weaver's and immediates had acquired the services of an almost beach dwelling abode for rent. We had a great time, and even with the 10:00 pm to 7:30 am drive there and the 14 hour drive home, it was a fun and mostly relaxing time with the family. Ok, now to the "ado" portion of our show, enjoy.

Here is our first little sweetie Sierra. This is the first night that we were in town, and we actually got to drive our car down on the beach. Daddy liked that part.

Now a picture of our soon to be famous photographer in action. I think it pretty much speaks for itself from this point forward.

Now, reluctantly I admit, yours truly, and the true star of the show Buku (pronounced: bOOkOO) Our sweet little number two, aka Aaliyah.

Ok, I would like to do more, but it looks like that is about all that my "borrowed" internet connection can manage for one day. We will get more up soon (read, eventually) with some of the extended family. Ok, just one more, I have a hot wife I can't help myself!

P.S. Yes I know that festivating along with several other conglomeration of letters used above are not actual "words" as Mr. Webster would define them. I'm ok with that.

P.S.S. Yes I know that I might use (these little thingys) way to much. Again I'm ok with that.

P.S.S.S. I am pretty sure that <---- doesn't exist, but it segues quite nicely into my next point. In addition to the strange combinations of letters on this blog, please disregard any and all commonly known grammar rules. I'll admit that I do know quite a few of them, but I take great delight in their utter extirpation, and I do hope that you can join in with me.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The World Through Her Lens

So my beautiful wife has recently been taking a photography course through a local school. It sounds like quite the fun experience thus far. Her work is exclusively in black and white, and they are processing and developing all of their own film and prints! What fun! So, this is basically a precursor into what I hope will be a future showing of some of her favorite prints. I am enjoying them very much, and I am sure there is something soon to come that you will enjoy yourself.

p.s. have you had the peppermint mocha from s.b. yet this season? mmmm delectable!

Where was I??

Hmm, let's see. Where did I leave off? Oh yeah, the parties over. I think that point is fairly well understood by now and we may want to look at moving on. So, the Weavers are in a good place. We have been absent, but it snowed today, and you know how that is. I guess it reminded me to check back in over here and give a little update. Which by the way it seems our friends over at Team Langhans and I were competing for the longest blog drop out. I guess they win, so they can go ahead and get back on track now. The trophy is in the mail. So of course, with the snow on the ground a chill in the air, and the giant turkey taken care of for a season, my thought turn to Christmas music! I love it and I can't get enough! (for the next 4-5 weeks anyways) I would have to say right now I am favoring stuff with a celtic tilt, but I found an album by Tim Thompson that has some nice guitar in it. Please please please drop me a line in the comments if you have any favorites. I would love to get some good input and maybe find a few new albums! Merry almost Christmas and I'm sure more to come!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Parties Over

Well the guests have come and gone, and we will shortly be back on our way as well. It was a nice small gathering of friends and family, and we have had a fairly relaxing time. It is always good to get back to this side of the state everynow and then. It would be nice if we had a little more time and freedom to get into Seattle proper, but no such luck. Things need to be run on a fairly regimented schedule when you are traveling with two young ones to make the trip as painless as possible. The new car and the DVD player sure helps though! It's nothing that six hours can't fix. We are off to walk the harbor downtown and get some pizza before we take off. Wish us luck. Anything with caffiene at this point!

Here are some pics that we were lucky enough to get from the photographer that was here. Thank you very much Lisa, it was fun. The top pic is the family that was in attendance, and below are Grandpa and Grandma Tripp. Last but definately not least is my little Aaliyah. What a sweety!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

A place for everything

Well this is just my second post on my new but more than probably short lived adventure, and allready I am posting abroad. Ok, so it is only 280 miles abroad from where I would normally post, but for a man with a wife and two kids that is just about the most abroad things get these days. We are visiting family in Gig Harbor this weekend for a birthday and a baby coming out least I guess that is what they are calling it. Don't ask me, I don't really get it. It is, however, nice to take a little trip in the new car. Besides, if you know anything about me, you would know that I vastly prefer this side of the mountains as opposed to that other side.
I see that our friends in Boston are a little quiet lately. They started off so well with a poste every day too...Not that I am one to speak mind you, but it's fun to poke the bear every now and then. I think I will go pick some blackberries growing outside my window. Happy belated birthday if you are reading this Anna. Love you. I think a hot cocoa would be appropriate today.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Is this the party to whom I am speaking?

Well, here I am in the big scary world of the super digital party line that is the contranets. I figure if my good friends have set up residence here, then why not me too? I may not have any fantastic adventures to talk about at the moment or nice things to say about grass in middle america, but here we are nonetheless. We will see how the journey turns out in the end I suppose, but I am happy that we are on our way. Happy Mochas and Lattes. We'll talk later.

Thank you for all our good times kid...and for the many more. <3

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I

Lights will guide you home
Coldplay - Fix You